.:: God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life ::.  
- John 3:16 - 

Altar Servers Schedule

First & Third Saturday:9:30 a.m.
Location:Former Cathedral 

An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during a religious service. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at thealtar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, etc.

Formally, and still in traditional catholic orders (FSSP, ICTK, SSPX, etc) only young men, among whom the Church hoped to recruit for the priesthood, and seminarians, who need the training, are altar servers; and thus altar boy was the usual term until Canon 230 was changed with the promulgation the code of Canon Law in 1983 which provided the option for females to serve at the altar. The term altar server is now widely used and accepted due to this. An Acolyte is one of the minor orders which is ordained by a Bishop. The title of Acolyte is still only given to men as it is an ordained minor order. This term is now usually reserved for the ministry that all who are to be promoted to the diaconate, whether permanent or transitory, must receive at least six months beforehand (canon 1035 of the Code of Canon Law).

Duties of the Acolyte

The Roman Rite of the celebration of Mass, Acolytes have the following responsibilities (depending which type of mass) during

  • Mass of the Catechumens;
  • Processional: Acolytes carry the thurible, incense boat, processional cross and candles (flambeaux) in a Missa Cantata;
  • After the sacristy bells are rung and first genuflection at the high altar, the Acolyte takes the Priest’s biretta, kisses it, and places on the Presidential Chair;
  • Post-Epistle: Acolytes move Missal from Epistle side of the altar to the Gospel side of the altar;
  • Mass of the Faithful;
  • Acolytes ring the altar bell once as the Priest unveils Chalice and places Veil on Altar;
  • Preparation of the chalice: Acolytes present the cruets of water and wine for the Deacon or Priest to pour in the chalice;
  • Lavabo: An Acolyte administers the water to the Priest as he ritually washes his hands.
  • Beginning of the Sanctus: Altar bell is rung thrice;
  • Canon of Mass: When the Priest extends his hands over the chalice, Acolytes ring altar bell once, stand, take the bell, without genuflecting kneel on either side of the Priest;
  • Consecration: At each Consecration Acolytes make a deep bow at the Priest’s first genuflection, and ring the bell once. During each Major Elevation, Acolytes kneel erect, raising the back of the chasuble and ringing the bell thrice. During the Priest’s second genuflection, Acolytes release chasuble, make a deep bows and ring the bell once. After the Consecration, holding the bell, Acolytes return to their posts and kneel;
  • Post Agnus Dei: Acolytes get patens from credence table and go back to posts with genuflections and kneeling. When the Priest genuflects and says the triple "Domine, non sum dignus..." Acolytes ring the bell thrice;
  • Communion: Follow Priest with paten in hand and hand over breast for the Faithful's Communion;
  • Ablutions: Get the water and wine cruets from credence table. For the first Ablution at center of the Altar, the Acolyte with the wine approaches as the Priest tips the chalice toward the Acolyte. The Acolyte pours a little wine into the chalice, he bows and turns to his right and returns to theEpistle corner and wait for the Priest. When the Priest approaches for the second Ablution, the Acolyte makes a moderate bow, pours a little wine over his fingers and then as much water as he desires. Then, with genuflections, switch the chalice veil from the Gospel side to the Epistle side with the Missal at the same time;
  • Ending procession: Same as Processional;

In the Ordinary Form

In the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite of the celebration of Mass, Acolytes have the following responsibilities during

  • Entrance: Acolytes may carry the processional cross and candles (also called acolytes, or flambeaux) at the front of the entrance procession. Others may carry incense and athurible.
  • Proclamation of the Gospel: If it is a regional habit, candles and/or incense can be carried in procession to the ambo or lectern.
  • Offertory: When the priest receiving these gifts, Acolytes assist him by carrying them.
  • Preparation of the chalice: Acolytes present the cruets of water and wine for the deacon or priest to pour in the chalice.
  • Lavabo: An Acolyte administers the water to the priest as he ritually washes his hands.
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist: Acolytes ring altar bell at the Hanc Igitur and both elevations of the species.
  • Recessional: When the priest and the Acolytes leave the altar, again the processional cross and candles are carried.

At a solemn Mass, four or more Acolytes is ideal. A weekday Mass usually only requires a single Acolyte. If a bishop celebrates Mass solemnly, two vimpas, so as to take care of mitre and crosier, as well as other functions.


Acolytes formally wear a cassock and surplice during a liturgy. According to the general rule of the Latin Rite a surplice should always be worn over a cassock. Traditionally, an Acolyte wore the same color as the church's pastor or rector. Thus, a red cassock would be worn if the pastor had that privilege. Black and red are the most common colors for an Acolyte cassock. Another common vestment is the alb. Acolytes do not wear a clerical collar or Rabat (clothing). In English-speaking countries that collar is traditionally worn from ordination as a sub deacon onward, but in others it was worn by all seminarians.